Design an Azure Infrastructure for SAP Workloads

2m 44s

Designing the Azure infrastructure for SAP workloads is a crucial and fundamental step in the migration process. SAP systems are complex and demanding, relying on high-speed and high-capacity hardware and networks.

In this lesson, we look at the SAP-specific Azure products and features, as well as how generic Azure services can be utilized to architect a high-performance, resilient and secure environment to host SAP workloads. Microsoft has been a provider of SAP hosting infrastructure for many years, and as such, offers a range of solutions for hosting very modest landscapes to the biggest in the cloud.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the elements of a migration project plan
  • Learn about the SAP-certified compute options available on Azure
  • Learn about the Azure storage options available and which ones to use for various scenarios
  • Understand how to create a performant SAP network using Azure
  • Learn about different SAP system deployment models in the context of infrastructure design

Intended Audience

This lesson is intended for anyone looking to understand the Azure infrastructure options available, certified, and suitable for various SAP deployments.


To get the most out of this lesson, you should have a basic understanding of Azure and SAP.


About the Author
Learning paths

Hallam is a software architect with over 20 years experience across a wide range of industries. He began his software career as a  Delphi/Interbase disciple but changed his allegiance to Microsoft with its deep and broad ecosystem. While Hallam has designed and crafted custom software utilizing web, mobile and desktop technologies, good quality reliable data is the key to a successful solution. The challenge of quickly turning data into useful information for digestion by humans and machines has led Hallam to specialize in database design and process automation. Showing customers how leverage new technology to change and improve their business processes is one of the key drivers keeping Hallam coming back to the keyboard. 

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