Terraform 1.0 - Provisioning AWS Infrastructure


Terraform is an open source "Infrastructure as Code" tool, used by DevOps and SysOps engineers to codify their cloud infrastructure requirements.

In this lesson you'll learn about Terraform from the ground up, and how it can be used to codify infrastructure. Terraform can be used to provision infrastructure across multiple cloud providers including AWS which this lesson will focus on.

resource "aws_instance" " cloudacademy " {
ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
instance_type = var.instance_type
key_name = var.key_name 
subnet_id = aws_subnet.private.id
security_groups = [aws_security_group.webserver.id]
user_data =<<EOFF
read -r -d '' META <<- EOF
CloudAcademy ♥ Terraform!
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please contact us at:
Support: support@cloudacademy.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremycook123
echo "$META"

tags = {
Org = "CloudAcademy"
Lesson = "Terraform 1.0"
Author = "Jeremy Cook"

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about Terraform and how to use it to provision AWS infrastructure
  • Learn how to build and create Terraform configurations and modules
    Learn how to use the Terraform CLI to launch and manage infrastructure on AWS

Intended Audience

  • Anyone interested in learning about Terraform, and the benefits of using it to codify infrastructure
  • Anyone interested in building and launching AWS infrastructure using Terraform
  • Anyone interested in deploying cloud native applications on AWS


Prerequisites which would be considered useful for this lesson are:

  • Knowledge of the AWS cloud platform and the various services within it – particularly VPC, EC2, and IAM
  • Basic System administration experience
  • Basic Infrastructure and Networking Knowledge
  • Basic SysOps and/or DevOps Knowledge


All Terraform configuration as used within the provided demonstrations is located in GitHub here:

About the Author
Jeremy Cook, opens in a new tab
Content Lead Architect
Learning paths

Jeremy is a Content Lead Architect and DevOps SME here at Cloud Academy where he specializes in developing DevOps technical training documentation.

He has a strong background in software engineering, and has been coding with various languages, frameworks, and systems for the past 25+ years. In recent times, Jeremy has been focused on DevOps, Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP), Security, Kubernetes, and Machine Learning.

Jeremy holds professional certifications for AWS, Azure, GCP, Terraform, Kubernetes (CKA, CKAD, CKS).

Covered Topics