Amazon S3: Data Replication and Bucket Key Encryption

1m 54s

This lesson explores two different Amazon S3 features: the replication of data between buckets and bucket key encryption when working with SSE-KMS to protect your data. You will learn how Amazon S3 replication works, when to use it, and some of the configurable options. We'll also look at how S3 Bucket Keys can be used to reduce costs when using SSE-KMS.

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Learning Objectives

The objectives of this lesson are to explain:

  • How Amazon S3 replication works, when you might use it, and some of the configurable options
  • How S3 Bucket Keys can be used to reduce costs when using SSE-KMS

Intended Audience

This lesson has been designed for those who support, operate, and architect solutions involving Amazon S3.


As a prerequisite to this lesson, it would be advantageous to have a working knowledge of Amazon S3, including some basic understanding of S3 security and management features. 


About the Author
Learning paths

Stuart has been working within the IT industry for two decades covering a huge range of topic areas and technologies, from data center and network infrastructure design, to cloud architecture and implementation.

To date, Stuart has created 250+ courses relating to cloud computing reaching over 1 million+ students.

Stuart is a member of the AWS Community Builders Program for his contributions towards AWS.

He is AWS certified and accredited in addition to being a published author covering topics across the AWS landscape.

Stuart enjoys writing about cloud technologies and you will find many of his articles within our blog pages.

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