Getting Started With Deep Learning: Working With Data


Learn the ways in which data comes in many forms and formats with the second lesson in the Data and Machine Learning series.

Traditionally, machine learning has worked really well with structured data but is not as efficient in solving problems with unstructured data. Deep learning works very well with both structured and unstructured data, and it has had successes in fields like translation, and image classification, and many others. Learn and study how to explain the reasons deep learning is so popular. With many different data types, learn about its different formats, and we'll analyze the vital libraries that allow us to explore and organize data. 

This lesson is made up of 8 lectures, accompanied by 5 engaging exercises along with their solutions. This lesson is part of the Data and Machine Learning courses from Cloud Academy.

 Learning Objectives

  • Learn and understand the functions of machine learning when confronted with structured and unstructured data
  • Be able to explain the importance of deep learning



The Github repo for this lesson, including code and datasets, can be found here.

About the Author
Learning paths

I am a Data Science consultant and trainer. With Catalit I help companies acquire skills and knowledge in data science and harness machine learning and deep learning to reach their goals. With Data Weekends I train people in machine learning, deep learning and big data analytics. I served as lead instructor in Data Science at General Assembly and The Data Incubator and I was Chief Data Officer and co-­founder at Spire, a Y-Combinator-­backed startup that invented the first consumer wearable device capable of continuously tracking respiration and activity. I earned a joint PhD in biophysics at University of Padua and Université de Paris VI and graduated from Singularity University summer program of 2011.   

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