Managing Application Logs and Metrics on GCP

1m 2s

Logging is very important today given the volume and variety of data we deal with across different customer use cases. This lesson will enable you to take a more proactive approach towards identifying faults and crashes in your applications through the effective use of Google Cloud Logging. As a result, you will learn how to delegate the operational overhead to GCP through automated logging tools, resulting in a more productive operational pipeline for your team and organization. 

Learning Objectives

Through this lesson, you will equip yourself with the required skills for streaming log data to Google Cloud Logging service and use metrics to understand your system's behavior. The lesson will start with an introduction to the Cloud Logging Service and then demonstrate how to stream logs using Cloud Logging Agent and the Python client library.


To get the most out of this lesson, you should already have an understanding of application logging.

Intended Audience

This lesson is suited for anyone interested in logging using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Logging.


About the Author

Pradeep Bhadani is an IT Consultant with over nine years of experience and holds various certifications related to AWS, GCP, and HashiCorp. He is recognized as HashiCorp Ambassador and GDE (Google Developers Expert) in Cloud for his knowledge and contribution to the community.

He has extensive experience in building data platforms on the cloud and as well as on-premises through the use of DevOps strategies & automation. Pradeep is skilled at delivering technical concepts helping teams and individuals to upskill on the latest technologies.

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