Understanding Sensitive Information Types in Microsoft 365

1m 30s

This lesson examines sensitive information types within Microsoft 365 and how you can use them to protect your data.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how to use sensitive information types
  • Understand the parts of the Data Classification solution within Microsoft 365
  • Understand how to navigate the Data Classification solution

Intended Audience

This lesson is designed for anyone looking to keep their data safe within Microsoft 365.


To get the most out of this lesson, you should have some basic knowledge of Microsoft 365.

About the Author
Learning paths

Lee has spent most of his professional career learning as much as he could about PC hardware and software while working as a PC technician with Microsoft. Once covid hit, he moved into a customer training role with the goal to get as many people prepared for remote work as possible using Microsoft 365. Being both Microsoft 365 certified and a self-proclaimed Microsoft Teams expert, Lee continues to expand his knowledge by working through the wide range of Microsoft certifications.

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