Working With Amazon S3 Lifecycle Configurations

2m 16s

In this lesson, we will discuss AWS S3 Lifecycle configurations, a tool to automate the movement and deletion of content through S3 storage classes. If you’re looking for information on how to create Lifecycle configurations, this is the lesson for you!

Learning Objectives

  • What a Lifecycle configuration is
  • Why Lifecycle configurations are beneficial 
  • How to create a Lifecycle configuration
  • The limitations of Lifecycle configurations

Intended Audience

This lesson has been created for those looking to better manage their storage lifecycle and S3 storage costs or those already planning on implementing or using Lifecycle configurations that may need more information on how they work.


To get the most from this lesson, you should have a strong understanding of S3, including knowledge of storage classes, multipart uploads, object versioning, object tags, and prefixes. Familiarity with XML and JSON will help you understand some of the practical parts of this lesson. For more information on the S3 service, check out existing content here: Deep Dive: Amazon S3.

About the Author
Alana Layton, opens in a new tab
Sr. AWS Content Creator
Learning paths

Alana Layton is an experienced technical trainer, technical content developer, and cloud engineer living out of Seattle, Washington. Her career has included teaching about AWS all over the world, creating AWS content that is fun, and working in consulting. She currently holds six AWS certifications. Outside of Cloud Academy, you can find her testing her knowledge in bar trivia, reading, or training for a marathon.

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