Basic Usage and Encryption Demo


In this lesson, you will learn how to use AWS Backup to create snapshots and have them available in another region — essentially creating a Disaster Recovery site.

Learning Objectives

  • Have a greater understanding of the AWS Backup service and how it interacts with other services such as EC2, EBS, and RDS
  • See how we create a cross-region backup
  • Terminology of AWS Backup
  • Basic usage
  • Creating a Backup Plan
  • Enabling and verifying cross-region functionality

Intended Audience

  • Those who want to understand the basics of the AWS Backup service
  • Those ready to tackle the hands-on task of creating EC2 snapshots that could be used to recover from an outage
  • Those who manage a fleet of EC2, perhaps along with RDS for their databases 


  • Have an understanding of the basics of AWS, such as using EC2 for Virtual Machines and RDS for your databases. As long as you understand how those services work at a high level, you should be able to get the most out of this lesson.
About the Author
Carlos Rivas
Sr. AWS Content Creator
Learning paths

Software Development has been my craft for over 2 decades. In recent years, I was introduced to the world of "Infrastructure as Code" and Cloud Computing.
I loved it! -- it re-sparked my interest in staying on the cutting edge of technology.

Colleagues regard me as a mentor and leader in my areas of expertise and also as the person to call when production servers crash and we need the App back online quickly.

My primary skills are:
★ Software Development ( Java, PHP, Python and others )
★ Cloud Computing Design and Implementation
★ DevOps: Continuous Delivery and Integration


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