Getting started with Docker

2m 42s

It's hardly an exaggeration to say that there hasn't been an innovation in app development and deployment over the past year or two that's been bigger than Docker. The open source platform for building, shipping, and running distributed applications in isolated virtual containers has literally changed the very fabric of the cloud. Thanks to Docker, software developers can reliably create and deploy applications with all their dependencies in Docker images that can be made available to anybody, and launched in seconds.

This introductory course, crafted by the expert Linux System Administrator David Clinton, will teach you everything you need to know to get started with Docker: What is the LXC software that it's built upon? How is it different from traditional virtualization technologies? How you can install and run it on your machine? By the end of this course, you'll have all the basic tools you'll need to run simple Docker applications.

Who should take this course

Being an introductory course, no previous knowledge of the software is needed. Nevertheless, you will definitely need at least some experience with the Linux Command Line Interface. Also, some familiarity with the Linux file system, kernel and networking basics might came in handy for some lectures.

Do you have questions on this course? Contact our cloud experts in our community forum.

About the Author
Learning paths

David taught high school for twenty years, worked as a Linux system administrator for five years, and has been writing since he could hold a crayon between his fingers. His childhood bedroom wall has since been repainted.

Having worked directly with all kinds of technology, David derives great pleasure from completing projects that draw on as many tools from his toolkit as possible.

Besides being a Linux system administrator with a strong focus on virtualization and security tools, David writes technical documentation and user guides, and creates technology training videos.

His favorite technology tool is the one that should be just about ready for release tomorrow. Or Thursday.

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