Why do you need a VPN?

Task instructions
  1. Watch ‘How do operating systems work?’ and take notes in the Notes section on page 10 of your progress report. These notes will help you as you fill out your Progress Report.

  2. Watch ‘What different components make up a PC?’ and complete pages 3 and 4 of your Progress report.

  3. Watch ‘Precaution when making a PC’ and compete page 6 of your Progress Report.

  4. Watch ‘What is VoIP?’ and complete page 7 of your Progress Report.

  5. Watch ‘Why do you need a VPN’ and ‘What are Biometrics?’ and complete page 8 of your Progress Report.
It is always important to consider multiple solutions when you're approaching a task. Whilst watching these videos, you’ve designed and suggested an operating system to your client, but they aren't quite happy with it. They would like you to suggest an alternative.
  1. Research alternative operating systems to the one that you originally suggested. Think about:
    • How it's different to the one you previously suggested
    • How it fits the brief

  2. Complete page 9 of your Progress Report.