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Introduction to Docker

Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: 2 minutes and 45 seconds
Students: 1,822
Rating: 5/5

Introduction to Docker

Containers are taking the industry by storm--from production microservices architectures to reworking development environments. Docker is empowering teams to start using containers today.

This course comes from my two years of running Docker in production, and more importantly teaching people how to use Docker. Docker changed everything for me when I started. It enabled my team and I to create portable and similar workflows across the different languages we used. Docker also enabled us to deploy new services in any language. It really felt light years ahead of where we where before. Hopefully the course captures some of the power and helps you take a step in this direction.

The high level goal for the course is to give your first taste of Docker and container technologies. Docker is not the first container technology, but it's the one that hit critical mass and is changing everything. Containerization changes how we need to think about developing and shipping software. This course should give you enough bearing to understand things you can start using today, then wider technical topics for coming months.

We'll start off with an introduction to container technologies. It may surprise you, but the underlying bits have actually been around for some time. Docker is new and making them accessible to teams of all shapes and sizes. Next we'll cover what I call the "Container Fundamentals". This will teach you the basics of interacting with containers, starting, stopping, networking, and docker volumes. Then we move onto building Docker images and how to apply Docker to your development process. The final lessons demonstrates building a microservices application using Docker Compose and deploying it with Docker Machine.

The course capstones with a summary and more importantly items that could not make into the course and points for further investigation. Hint, the next step is to look out different ways to run Docker in production.

All sound good? Check the first video and happy shipping!


Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you'll know:

  • The purpose and value of Docker
  • How to create a container
  • How to create multiple containers
  • What tools are available to orchastrate containers in production


Intended Audience

This is a beginner level course though it assumes:

  • You have at least a basic understanding of containers
  • You’re at least familiar with building and deploying code


What You'll Learn

A review of the course

LectureWhat you'll learn
Intro What will be covered in this course
Container Technologies A review of the evolution of containers
Fundamentals 1 A review of Docker fundamentals
Fundamentals 2 A wrap up of our review on Docker fundamentals
Building Images How to build docker images
Docker Toolchain What tools exist in the Docker toolchain
Summary What's next?

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Covered Topics
Lecture UUID