Systems Manager is a Good Fit in the AWS Tool Set


This lesson provides detail on the AWS Management & Governance services relevant to the AWS Certified Developer - Associate exam.

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Learning Objectives

  • Learn how AWS AppConfig can reduce errors in configuration changes and prevent application downtime
  • Understand how the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) can be used to model and provision application resources using common programming languages
  • Get a high-level understanding of Amazon CloudWatch
  • Learn about the features and use cases of the service
  • Create your own CloudWatch dashboard to monitor the items that are important to you
  • Understand how CloudWatch dashboards can be shared across accounts
  • Understand the cost structure of CloudWatch dashboards and the limitations of the service
  • Review how monitored metrics go into an ALARM state
  • Learn about the challenges of creating CloudWatch Alarms and the benefits of using machine learning in alarm management
  • Know how to create a CloudWatch Alarm using Anomaly Detection
  • Learn what types of metrics are suitable for use with Anomaly Detection
  • Create your own CloudWatch log subscription
  • Learn how AWS CloudTrail enables auditing and governance of your AWS account
  • Understand how Amazon CloudWatch Logs enables you to monitor and store your system, application, and custom log files
  • Explain what AWS CloudFormation is and what it’s used for
  • Determine the benefits of AWS CloudFormation
  • Understand what each of the core components are and what they are used for
  • Create a CloudFormation Stack using an existing AWS template
  • Learn what VPC flow logs are and what they are used for
  • Determine options for operating programmatically with AWS, including the AWS CLI, APIs, and SDKs
  • Learn about the capabilities of AWS Systems Manager for managing applications and infrastructure
  • Understand how AWS Secrets Manager can be used to securely encrypt application secrets
About the Author
Learning paths

Stuart has been working within the IT industry for two decades covering a huge range of topic areas and technologies, from data center and network infrastructure design, to cloud architecture and implementation.

To date, Stuart has created 250+ courses relating to cloud computing reaching over 1 million+ students.

Stuart is a member of the AWS Community Builders Program for his contributions towards AWS.

He is AWS certified and accredited in addition to being a published author covering topics across the AWS landscape.

Stuart enjoys writing about cloud technologies and you will find many of his articles within our blog pages.

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