ETL with AWS Glue Studio

3m 9s

This section of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional course introduces the AWS management and governance services relevant to the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam. These services are used to help you audit, monitor, and evaluate your AWS infrastructure and resources and form a core component of resilient and performant architectures. 

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Learning Objectives

  • Understand the benefits of using AWS CloudWatch and audit logs to manage your infrastructure
  • Learn how to record and track API requests using AWS CloudTrail
  • Learn what AWS Config is and its components
  • Manage multi-account environments with AWS Organizations and Control Tower
  • Learn how to carry out logging with CloudWatch, CloudTrail, CloudFront, and VPC Flow Logs
  • Learn about AWS data transformation tools such as AWS Glue and data visualization services like Amazon Athena and QuickSight
  • Learn how AWS CloudFormation can be used to represent your infrastructure as code (IaC)
  • Understand SLAs in AWS
About the Author
Danny Jessee, opens in a new tab
AWS Certification Specialist
Learning paths

Danny has over 20 years of IT experience as a software developer, cloud engineer, and technical trainer. After attending a conference on cloud computing in 2009, he knew he wanted to build his career around what was still a very new, emerging technology at the time — and share this transformational knowledge with others. He has spoken to IT professional audiences at local, regional, and national user groups and conferences. He has delivered in-person classroom and virtual training, interactive webinars, and authored video training courses covering many different technologies, including Amazon Web Services. He currently has nine active AWS certifications, including certifications at the Professional and Specialty level.

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