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Getting Started with Google Compute Engine

Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: 9 minutes and 18 seconds
Students: 891

Google Compute Engine is the cornerstone of the Google Cloud Platform. It is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) environment - powered by KVM hypervisors - that allows you to create instances based on default images and custom snapshots, with complete control over network traffic.

This course, crafted by our expert Linux System Administrator David Clinton, will help you get started with Google Compute Engine, either through Google's browser console or their command line interface. By the end of this course you will have everything it takes to master the efficient and effective use of GCE.

Who should take this course

As a beginner-level course, you don't need experience with Google Cloud Platform to benefit from this tutorial. Some basic knowledge of the Linux CLI interface and TCP/IP stack might help you better understand the Networking and the CLI lectures though.

If you need a high-level introduction to the cloud, check out the Introduction to Cloud Computing course. We also have an Introduction to Google Cloud Platform course to offer you broader overview of the whole family of Google services.

If, after going through this course, you'd like to test your knowledge of Google Compute Engine and improve your CloudRank, we've got Quizzes that should serve as a perfect followup.


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