lab challenge

Machine Learning Python Challenge: Regression

Up to 1h 30m
Get challenged in a real environmentProve your skills in a real-world, provisioned environment.
Push your limitsComplete an unguided mission within the time limit.
See resultsTest your problem-solving skills and track your progress.


In this lab challenge, you will be tested on your scikit-learn skills to build a machine learning pipeline to predict the price of a stock. Here, you will be tested on data preprocessing, fitting, and evaluation of the regression model. 

To get the most from this lab, it is recommended to have confidence and exposure to at least the following libraries: pandas, matplotlib and scikit-learn.

You are strongly encourage to have completed the following courses, available in our content library:

as well as the following lab:

before starting this challenge.


April 6ht, 2023 - Resolved a dependency issue causing the stock ticker data frame 

January 27th, 2022 - Updated Python libraries to resolve an issue using the Yahoo APIs

September 20th, 2021 - Updated Python libraries to resolve an issue using the Yahoo APIs


  • Knowledge of regression: Completion of the Building a Machine Learning pipeline with scikit-learn: part 02 course is highly recommended
  • Knowledge of preprocessing: Completion of the Building a Machine Learning pipeline with scikit-learn: part 01 course is highly recommended

Intended audience

  • Machine Learning Engineers
  • Data scientists

What will be assessed

  • Your ability to create a machine learning pipeline
  • Your ability to fit a linear regression model
  • Your ability to evaluate a fitted model

About the author

Learning paths

Andrea is a Data Scientist at Cloud Academy. He is passionate about statistical modeling and machine learning algorithms, especially for solving business tasks.

He holds a PhD in Statistics, and he has published in several peer-reviewed academic journals. He is also the author of the book Applied Machine Learning with Python.

Covered topics


Machine Learning Challenge: Regression