hands-on lab

Add a Data Disk and connect a File Share to a Virtual Machine

Up to 2h 47m
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All virtual machines are provisioned with a single Operating System Disk and a Temporary drive which is a volatile disk (this means that if a virtual machine is shutdown, or re-deployed, the contents of the temporary disk are lost).Data disks can be added as part of a Virtual Machine build or afterwards. These can be provisioned as file shares or just local data storage.

Storage Account ‘File Shares’, can also be provisioned. This is cheaper than providing Data disks on Virtual machines, and provides a central location for storage.

In this Lab exercise, you will

Start with a pre-existing virtual network, with a single virtual machine (TestVM1). Then, you will complete the below tasks.

  • Provision a Data Disk
    • Attach it to TestVM1
    • Create files for testing
  • Re-Deploy TestVM1
    • Check results of Re-Deployment
  • Create a Storage Account
    • Provision a File Share
      • Upload a file into the share
    • Connect TestVM1 to the File Share
      • Create a File in the File Share on TestVM1
    • Check the results in the storage account file share

About the author


David has been a trainer with QA for over 12 years and has been training cloud technologies since 2017.  Currently certified in Microsoft and Alibaba cloud technologies David has previously been a system and Network administrator amongst other roles.    

Currently, he is a Principle Technology Learning Specialist (Cloud) at QA. He loves nothing more than teaching cloud-based courses and also has a passion for teaching PowerShell scripting.

Outside of work, his main love is flying Radio control airplanes, and teaching people to fly them.

Lab steps

Logging in to the Microsoft Azure Portal
Provision a Data Disk
Re-deploy the Virtual Machine TestVM1
Provision a Storage Account File Share