hands-on lab

Connecting to Remote Hosts Using a Secure Shell

Up to 1h
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Secure Shell, usually abbreviated to SSH, is a protocol for exchanging information securely over an untrusted network, such as the public internet.

SSH is used widely by people working with cloud technologies. It's often used to access a shell and perform configuration and administrative tasks on remote compute infrastructure.

In this lab, you will see how to use SSH in three different ways to access a remote host.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this beginner level lab, you will be able to:

  • Use the Putty SSH client
  • Use the Linux SSH client
  • Use a cloud-vendor web-based SSH functionality

Intended Audience

  • Anyone who works with cloud compute resources
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Engineers


Familiarity with the following will be beneficial but is not required:

  • SSH
  • Secure Networks

The following content can be used to fulfill the prerequisite:

About the author

Learning paths

Andrew is a Labs Developer with previous experience in the Internet Service Provider, Audio Streaming, and CryptoCurrency industries. He has also been a DevOps Engineer and enjoys working with CI/CD and Kubernetes.

He holds multiple AWS certifications including Solutions Architect Associate and Professional.

Covered topics

Lab steps

Introduction to Secure Shell (SSH)
Connecting to a Virtual Machine Using Putty
Using SSH to Connect to a Remote Host
Logging In to the Amazon Web Services Console
Using a Cloud Vendor to Gain Shell Access