hands-on lab

Shortening URLs using Firebase Dynamic Links

Up to 45m
This lab is currently under maintenance and unavailable. We are actively working to resolve this issue and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Firebase Dynamic Links support has been removed from Firebase.

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Firebase is Google's application development platform with tools to build and release mobile apps, monitor and track app analytics and boost user engagements to grow the app further.

Firebase Dynamic Links lets users create in-app and browser-based short links that work on any platform. These links are easier to share with others and great for branding since you can add a custom domain as a prefix to the dynamic link.

In this lab, you will create a URL prefix and shorten an existing URL to a Firebase dynamic link using the URL prefix as the prefixed domain. 

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:

  • Create a URL prefix for dynamic link creation
  • Shorten an existing URL with your custom domain URL prefix

Intended Audience

  • Developers interested in adding dynamic links to their app to convert web users to app users
  • Marketing interested in social media campaigns sending promotional offers using links that work on any platform
  • Product specialists interested in presenting their internal links with their custom domain


There are no prerequisites for this lab.

Environment before

Environment after

About the author

Adil Islam, opens in a new tab
Cloud Labs Developer
Learning paths

Adil is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, former Azure Engineer, and loves all things Azure. He is a certified Azure Administrator and Azure DevOps Expert and has worked for some of the biggest MSPs in the world (Cognizant, New Signature, CoreAzure). He loves to combine his two passions: cloud and teaching.

Adil specializes in Azure Infrastructure services and has a curiosity for new, in-preview services from Azure, getting his hands familiar with the content before most of the world does. Outside of work, Adil helps run a growing community of IT professionals looking to break into the cloud and regularly runs workshops and webinars.

Lab steps

Accessing the Firebase Console
Shortening URLs using Firebase Dynamic Links