learning path

Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials

This course outlines the components of any successful digital marketing strategy that helps a business achieve its overall objectives.
Up to 41m
Enhance your skill setDevelop essential skills for thriving in real-world scenarios.
Stay focused, stay committedBoost your learning journey by enrolling: stay focused, consistent and achieve your goals with ease.
Earn a certificate of completionShow your skills and build your credibility when you include them in your resume and LinkedIn profile.
6 steps
There are 2 Exams in this learning path
There are 4 Courses in this learning path
Duration: 1 minute and 38 seconds
Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials Introduction
Welcome to this course on Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials.
Duration: 10 minutes and 33 seconds
Understanding Your Business
Every strategy should be built on solid research and a good awareness of the business in question, so it’s important that every business regularly takes a good look at where it’s at right now, and where it wants to be. In this lesson, we identify the distinction between a strategy and a tactic, explore how a business might undergo a situational analysis, and explain the necessity of setting clear and relevant objectives and goals.
Duration: 8 minutes and 44 seconds
Understanding Your Audience
An essential part of developing a strategy is gaining a deep understanding of your audience. Why? Well, it’s the only way to guarantee that your marketing messages feel relevant and valuable, and that’s essentially what marketing is all about. In this lesson, we take a look at what there is to know about your audiences - their demographics, motivations and behaviors, and we take a quick tour of the customer journey.
Duration: 10 minutes and 25 seconds
Tactics & Measurement
Now that you have a greater awareness of your business and your audiences, this lesson will look at the paid, owned and earned channels that can be used to connect with those audiences and fulfill your business goals. We also take a look at some of the metrics you could use to measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.
Duration: Up to 5 minutes
Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials Post-Assessment v1
Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials Post-Assessment v1