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Internet of Things with Azure

Up to 3h 57m
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IoT isn’t anything new, companies have been using devices to measure and quantify data for a while now. So why is it that IoT has become a buzzword in recent years?

While there’s no one answer, there are a few contributing factors.

First, there are a lot of options for devices, and they’re reasonably inexpensive. With so many options for devices, it provides a lot of potential for tools and languages. Having this sort of diversity with tools and languages allows engineers to use higher-level languages and prototypes very quickly.

Once you have a device, you need to be able to get the data; which brings us to another contributing factor, which is internet connectivity. Internet connectivity is just about everywhere making getting data from devices easier than ever.

With the low cost of devices, and internet connectivity everywhere, you could deploy tens of thousands of devices; however supporting so many devices, especially if they’re connected simultaneously, is an infrastructural challenge. So another contributing factor is the cloud, which helps us to build highly scalable, highly available solutions.

The cloud’s benefit to IoT doesn’t end there. Major cloud vendors also offer tools for big data and machine learning. After all, what’s the point of collecting all of that data if you can’t use it to gain insights.

In this course, we’ll take a look at how Azure can help with your IoT solutions.

From its device SDKs across multiple programming languages, to IoT Hub providing a device registry and scalable messaging infrastructure, Azure has a lot to offer.

If you’re working in the realm of IoT then you can’t ignore Azure. IoT Hub has a wonderful blend of ease-of-use and functionality. It also integrates well with other services such as Azure Functions and Stream Analytics, which extend its functionality. 

So if you’re interested in learning more about IoT with Azure the click on the first course to get started!


  • Introduction to Azure IoT Hub
    • An introduction to Azure IoT Hub 
  • Processing IoT Events and Data
    • How to process events and data using different Azure services
  • Introduction to Azure Functions
    • Like a fine wine, Azure Functions pairs well with IoT Hub
  • Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB
    • Cosmos DB is another great pairing

 Learning Objectives

  • Obtain a high-level understanding of Azure IoT Hub and its capabilities
  • Learn about devices in Azure IoT and the IoT Hub Devices Registry
  • Learn how to configure devices and use them in conjunction with Azure
  • Understand streaming data processing for IoT Hub
  • Learn how to write an IoT hub event using C#
  • Learn how to process data streams using Azure Stream Analytics
  •  Obtain an in-depth understanding of Azure Functions
  • Obtain an in-depth, practical understanding of Cosmos DB

Intended Audience

This course is intended for anyone looking to use Azure services to build IoT solutions.


To get the most out of this course, you should have a good working knowledge of IT infrastructures, databases, and the Microsoft Azure platform.


Your certificate for this learning path

About the Author

Learning paths

Ben Lambert is a software engineer and was previously the lead author for DevOps and Microsoft Azure training content at Cloud Academy. His courses and learning paths covered Cloud Ecosystem technologies such as DC/OS, configuration management tools, and containers. As a software engineer, Ben’s experience includes building highly available web and mobile apps. When he’s not building software, he’s hiking, camping, or creating video games.

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