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Knative Serving

Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: 8 minutes and 30 seconds
Students: 940
Rating: 4.5/5

Interested in knowing what Knative is and how it simplifies Kubernetes?

Knative is a general-purpose serverless orchestration framework that sits on top of Kubernetes, allowing you to create event-driven, autoscaled, and scale-to-zero applications. 

This lesson introduces you to Knative, taking you through the fundamentals, particularly the components Serving and Eventing. Several hands-on demonstrations are provided in which you'll learn and observe how to install Knative, and how to build and deploy serverless event-driven scale-to-zero workloads.

Knative runs on top of Kubernetes, and therefore you’ll need to have some existing knowledge and/or experience with Kubernetes. If you’re completely new to Kubernetes, please consider taking our dedicated Introduction to Kubernetes course.

For any feedback, queries, or suggestions relating to this lesson, please contact us at support@cloudacademy.com.

Learning Objectives

By completing this lesson, you will: 

  • Learn about what Knative is and how to install, configure, and maintain it
  • Learn about Knative Serving and Eventing components
  • Learn how to deploy serverless event-driven workloads
  • And finally, you’ll learn how to work with and configure many of the key Knative cluster resources

Intended Audience

  • Anyone interested in learning about Knative and its fundamentals
  • Software Engineers interested in learning about how to configure and deploy Knative serverless workloads into a Kubernetes cluster
  • DevOps and SRE practitioners interested in understanding how to install, manage and maintain KNative infrastructure


The following prerequisites will be both useful and helpful for this lesson:

  • A basic understanding of Kubernetes
  • A basic understanding of containers, containerization, and serverless based architectures
  • A basic understanding of software development and the software development life cycle
  • A basic understanding of networks and networking


The knative-demo GitHub repository used within this lesson can be found here:


Covered Topics