lab challenge

Azure Pipeline Continuous Integration Challenge

Up to 1h 30m
Get challenged in a real environmentProve your skills in a real-world, provisioned environment.
Push your limitsComplete an unguided mission within the time limit.
See resultsTest your problem-solving skills and track your progress.


Azure Pipelines lets you automate builds and deployments to many locations, including the cloud.

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to implement continuous integration using Azure DevOps and an IDE. You will be presented with a task and set of requirements you must fulfill to pass the challenge. You should be comfortable using an IDE environment similar to VS Code and using the terminal. You will be tasked with creating a build pipeline using Azure Pipelines, testing the pipeline, and finally implementing continuous integration with a pull request trigger.

This is a real environment, which means you can prove your knowledge in an applied way, substituting multiple choice questions for a dynamic performance-based exam situation.

It is strongly recommended to complete the prerequisite labs before performing the challenge:

This challenge validates the learning for these labs.


August 24th, 2022 - Resolved check errors


  • Organizing Code Using Azure Repos in Azure DevOps Lab
  • Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines in Azure DevOps Lab

Intended audience

  • DevOps Engineers
  • DevOps Architects
  • Developers

What will be assessed

  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Git CLI

About the author

Adil Islam, opens in a new tab
Cloud Labs Developer
Learning paths

Adil is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, former Azure Engineer, and loves all things Azure. He is a certified Azure Administrator and Azure DevOps Expert and has worked for some of the biggest MSPs in the world (Cognizant, New Signature, CoreAzure). He loves to combine his two passions: cloud and teaching.

Adil specializes in Azure Infrastructure services and has a curiosity for new, in-preview services from Azure, getting his hands familiar with the content before most of the world does. Outside of work, Adil helps run a growing community of IT professionals looking to break into the cloud and regularly runs workshops and webinars.

Covered topics


Azure Build Pipeline CI Challenge