hands-on lab

Creating a NoSQL Database with Google Firestore in Native Mode

Up to 45m
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Google Cloud Firestore is a flexible, scalable NoSQL document database for mobile and web applications. Cloud Firestore's flexibility is possible due to its document data model that supports hierarchical data structures. As a NoSQL database, your data is not confined to a relational structure.

Cloud Firestore is also designed to scale seamlessly with powerful built-in features such as data replication, strong consistency guarantees, and atomic batch operations.

Cloud Firestore is available in Native and Datastore mode. Native mode provides access to new database features and builds upon Google Cloud Datastore and Firebase Realtime Database. Although it doesn't provide as many features, Datastore mode can still provide a NoSQL database solution for applications configured to use it.

You can learn how to configure a database using Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode in the Using Cloud Firestore in Datastore Mode as a NoSQL Database hands-on lab.

In this lab, you will learn the core components of a Google Cloud Firestore database when using native mode. You will also learn how to create a Firestore collection and documents to store unique pieces of data

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this beginner level lab, you will be able to:

  • Explain the core components of Google Cloud Firestore in Native mode
  • Create a Firestore collection
  • Define Firestore documents with unique values

Intended Audience

  • Candidates for the Google Professional Data Engineer Certification
  • Cloud Developers seeking to learn more about NoSQL database options provided by GCP


No prerequisites are required to complete this lab

Environment before

Environment after

About the author

Jun Fritz, opens in a new tab
Cloud Labs Developer
Learning paths

Jun is a Cloud Labs Developer with previous experience as a Software Engineer and Cloud Developer. He holds the AWS Certified Solutions Architect and DevOps Engineer Professional certifications. He also holds the AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Developer, and SysOps Administrator Associate certifications. 

Jun is focused on giving back to the growing cloud community by sharing his knowledge and experience with students and creating engaging content. 

Covered topics

Lab steps

Signing In to the Google Cloud Console
Understanding the Cloud Firestore Data Model in Native Mode
Creating a Cloud Firestore Database in Native Mode
Creating Cloud Firestore Collections and Documents