lab playground

Google Cloud Monitoring Playground

Up to 4h
Free playExplore without specific objectives or guided instruction.
Real-world experiencePractice in a live, pre-configured sandbox environment.


Google Cloud offers the ability to create and configure resources, such as uptime checks and alerts, that will help you keep your cloud infrastructure constantly monitored. Monitoring skills in Google Cloud are also essential for attaining certifications like the Professional Cloud Architect, and the Associate Cloud Engineer certifications. For such certifications and in order to be able to build solutions in Google Cloud, a good grasp of monitoring principles is needed.

The playground is a safe and secure sandbox environment for you to explore your own ideas, follow along with Cloud Academy courses, or answer your own questions all without the need to install any software on your local machine. The extended duration of this playground provides you with ample time to play to your heart's content. The goal is to be able to experiment and learn with little start time or overhead. Feel free to experiment with creating and configuring uptime checks, alerting policies, as well as virtual machines, network resources and storage resources to be monitored and firewall rules to let traffic income in the VMs. You'll have the permissions necessary to create and manage monitoring resources, network resources, storage resources, firewall rules and virtual machines (of the f1-micro and n1-standard-1 types, with a maximum disk space of 250 GiBs). You can deploy a maximum number of 5 instances in your GCP project. Enjoy!

Intended Audience

This lab is intended for:

  • Google Cloud administrators
  • Cloud engineers and solutions architects
  • Individuals who need to maintain a monitoring solution on Google Cloud


You may benefit from being familiar with the monitoring and compute services offered by Google Cloud. The following labs cover these topics:

About the author

Learning paths

Stefano studies Computer Science and is passionate about technology. He loves working with Cloud services and learning all the best practices for them. Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services are the cloud providers he prefers. He is a Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer. Node.js is the programming language he always uses to code. When he's not involved in studying or working, Stefano loves riding his motorbike and exploring new places.

Covered topics

Lab steps

Google Cloud Monitoring Playground