hands-on lab

Publishing Repository Content as a Wiki in Azure DevOps

Up to 45m
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Developers and project managers need to collaborate with other colleagues on their team and need a system to store information, edit it easily and be able to search through it.

Azure DevOps Wiki is a documentation solution within the Azure DevOps Suite. It can help developers address their documentation needs at various stages of their product development, such as creating specifications, writing meeting reports, or any general information that they would like to share within the team. Since it's part of the Azure DevOps Suite, it's also well integrated with the rest of the services in the suite, such as Azure Boards or Azure Repos. Azure DevOps Wikis are powered by an underlying Git Repository, which also enables powerful workflows for developers.

In this lab, you will publish documentation hosted in a repository as a wiki to Azure DevOps Wiki using a development environment.

Please be aware that this lab creates an Azure DevOps environment that can take up to fifteen minutes to become available. Please ensure you have enough time available before starting the lab.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:

  • Push a local repository to a remote repository in Azure Repos
  • Importing a repository from Azure Repos as a wiki
  • Amend changes to wiki locally in your IDE of choice

Intended Audience

  • Candidates studying for the AZ-400, Azure DevOps Engineer Expert Exam
  • DevOps Engineers
  • DevOps Architects
  • Scrum Masters
  • Project Managers


Familiarity with the following is recommended:

  • Azure Repos
  • Git Workflow

The following content can be used to fulfill the prerequisite:


January 26th, 2022 - Updated the instructions and screens to reflect the latest UI

Environment before

Environment after

About the author

Adil Islam, opens in a new tab
Cloud Labs Developer
Learning paths

Adil is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, former Azure Engineer, and loves all things Azure. He is a certified Azure Administrator and Azure DevOps Expert and has worked for some of the biggest MSPs in the world (Cognizant, New Signature, CoreAzure). He loves to combine his two passions: cloud and teaching.

Adil specializes in Azure Infrastructure services and has a curiosity for new, in-preview services from Azure, getting his hands familiar with the content before most of the world does. Outside of work, Adil helps run a growing community of IT professionals looking to break into the cloud and regularly runs workshops and webinars.

Covered topics

Lab steps

Initializing a Documentation Repository
Importing Repository from Azure Repos as a Wiki
Editing a Wiki from a Development Environment