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lab playground

Amazon Lightsail Playground

Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: Up to 4 hours
Students: 52
Rating: 5/5
Free playExplore without specific objectives or guided instruction.
Real-world experiencePractice in a live, pre-configured sandbox environment.


Amazon Lightsail provides pre-configured virtual private servers (VPS) that are backed by AWS infrastructure. Lightsail offers instances, containers, storage, databases, and networking all for a cost-effective monthly plan. This makes Amazon Lightsail a reliable option for simple, small-scale use cases.

This hands-on playground lab will allow you to explore and interact with the Amazon Lightsail instances and containers for an extended duration and without lab objectives.

In addition to Amazon Lightsail instances and container services, you also have extended access to the Amazon EC2 service. Amazon Lightsail and Amazon EC2 provide similar offerings, most of which can be compared and explored further in this playground setting.

Intended Audience

  • Cloud Architects
  • Software Engineers


Familiarity with the following will be beneficial but is not required:

  • Amazon Lightsail
  • Amazon EC2

The following content can be used to fulfill the prerequisite:

Covered topics

Hands-on Lab UUID

Lab steps

Amazon Lightsail Playground