learning path

Monitoring and Observing your Resources with Amazon CloudWatch

9h 7m
Enhance your skill setDevelop essential skills for thriving in real-world scenarios.
Stay focused, stay committedBoost your learning journey by enrolling: stay focused, consistent and achieve your goals with ease.
Earn a certificate of completionShow your skills and build your credibility when you include them in your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Being able to monitor your cloud resources effectively to gain operational visibility and insight is essential, especially when working at scale. You need to be able to continuously optimize your environment and review the health of your resources to prevent potential issues that could arise within your infrastructure. This must be achieved by collating metrics, logs, and other operational data allowing you to discover changes in your environment that could be impactful to your applications and resources, and Amazon CloudWatch allows you to do all this, and much more! 

Amazon CloudWatch is a global service that has been designed to be your window into the health and operational performance of your applications and infrastructure.  It’s able to collate and present meaningful operational data from your resources allowing you to monitor and review their performance.  This gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the insights that CloudWatch presents, which in turn can trigger automated responses or provide you with the opportunity and time to make manual operational changes and decisions to optimize your infrastructure if required.  

This course has been designed to enhance your knowledge of the Amazon CloudWatch service allowing you to implement some of its key features.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain a high-level understanding of Amazon CloudWatch
  • Understand the features and use cases of Amazon CloudWatch
  • Learn how to create your own CloudWatch dashboard to monitor the items that are important to you
  • Understand how CloudWatch dashboards can be shared across accounts
  • Understand the cost structure of CloudWatch dashboards and the limitations of the service
  • Review how monitored metrics go into an ALARM state
  • Learn about the challenges of creating CloudWatch Alarms and the benefits of using machine learning in alarm management
  • Know how to create a CloudWatch Alarm using Anomaly Detection
  • Learn what types of metrics are suitable for use with Anomaly Detection
  • Learn how to Create your own CloudWatch log subscription
  • Search through your log files to find bits and bobs of details that are of interest to you
  • Learn how to Create Eventbridge rules and targets that can react to events created by multiple AWS sources as well as SaaS providers
  • Understand how EventBridge could become a new way to architect your solutions with event-driven patterns in mind

Intended Audience

This course is ideal for System Administrators, DevOps engineers, and Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) who are looking to broaden their knowledge of Amazon CloudWatch and monitoring across AWS.


To get the most from this course it would be advantageous to have a basic understanding of the foundating of AWS and it's core services. If you are new to AWS then you might want to review the Fundamentals of AWS course first  

Your certificate for this learning path

About the Author

Learning paths

Stuart has been working within the IT industry for two decades covering a huge range of topic areas and technologies, from data center and network infrastructure design, to cloud architecture and implementation.

To date, Stuart has created 250+ courses relating to cloud computing reaching over 1 million+ students.

Stuart is a member of the AWS Community Builders Program for his contributions towards AWS.

He is AWS certified and accredited in addition to being a published author covering topics across the AWS landscape.

Stuart enjoys writing about cloud technologies and you will find many of his articles within our blog pages.

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