Introducing the New Cloud Academy Search Engine

Here at Cloud Academy, we’re constantly adding new content to our training library to keep you up-to-date with the latest technical training content and industry-leading certifications. Our training library has grown exponentially with all of our new content releases, and it has become a challenge to sort through and locate content. 

Today we’re excited to announce the release of a brand new Cloud Academy search engine.

Our vision with this new feature is to allow you to easily find the exact piece of content you need — as quickly as possible. We wanted to give you a different way to find search results with smaller, “bite-sized” pieces of content. Not only can you find what you’re looking for faster, but you can now quickly filter down to find individual quiz or exam questions and even blogs and whitepapers! With this new search engine, you’ll now be able to easily find all of our content. 

Check out all of the content types that we added to our search results. 

Cloud Academy Search Engine

Key benefits


It’s now super easy to find any piece of content inside our library. Don’t worry about typos (“Is it Dynamo DB or DynamoDB??”) and type less with our as-you-type auto-suggestions. We completely reviewed this new search capability to make it even easier to select the right content for you. We used a Google-like approach to highlight your keywords inside the description or lecture transcript. You can now drill down deeper into our content to find results tailored to your 


It has never been so fast. The result page is built as you type, and it filters down to what you’re looking for in a matter of milliseconds. Our vision is to allow you to easily find the exact piece of content you need. Are you in a rush and need an explanation about Docker Compose? Simply search “docker compose” and you can find the right lecture in a few milliseconds. Yes: milliseconds, because we wanted to make it as fast as possible.

Expanded search results

You can now locate everything — from courses and exam questions to blogs and whitepapers. Let’s suppose you have a specific doubt and you’re looking for an answer: It’s now possible to immediately find it. 

Are you looking for a course you watched a few months ago and you don’t remember the name to find it? Don’t worry, simply type something you remember about that lecture and our new optimized search engine will quickly go through all the transcripts to find it. The same applies to labs, exams, resources, and anything else.

Key new features

Find more types of content

Here’s all the content types that you find with the new expanded search results:

  • Learning Paths: Search for new guided training or certification paths.
  • Courses: Find the exact lecture that contains the topic you’re looking for. You don’t need to watch an entire course if you need a single piece of content contained in a specific course.
  • Hands-on labs: Let’s suppose you want to try a specific task of a Hands-on Lab, you can now find the exact lab step you’re looking for.
  • Quizzes and exams: Find complete quizzes and exams based on your search words.
  • Resources: Find .pdf resources that you normally find inside our Learning Paths and courses.
  • Blog: Are you looking for an article or some guidance about what to study next? It’s now easy to find our blog post with this new search engine.
  • Quiz and exam questions: Try questions without starting a quiz or exam. You can even use them to find answers to questions that arise in your day to day job.

As an example, search “aws” and you will get 9,044 search results. By using the left-side menu (see below), you can now easily filter down to the type of results you want.

Cloud Academy Search Engine

Locate individual questions

You can now drill down to find a quiz or test question. You will get the option to answer the question, along with a detailed explanation.

Cloud Academy Search Engine


Try it out

To start using this new search feature, simply go to your Cloud Academy Dashboard. If you’re not an existing customer, try us out with a free 7-day trial.

About us

At Cloud Academy, we’re focused on delivering innovative, enterprise-ready training technology that enables organizations to continuously improve the way they do business. As our training library continues to expand, we are continually looking for ways to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. Expect us to continue to deliver easy ways to motivate your teams to study within our platform. 

If you aren’t already on this journey to deliver technology training in an effective way, we hope you join us. For those on the journey with us, thank you.

Cloud Academy