Cloud Academy Recognized in G2 Summer 2021 Reports

Cloud Academy Recognized in G2 Summer 2021 Reports

After a strong showing in last quarter’s Spring 2021 reports, customers have once again nominated Cloud Academy for industry recognition. The results of G2’s Summer 2021 reports rank our tech learning platform among leaders and high performers across four categories and nearly three dozen reports.

G2 is the leader in the tech marketplace and independent review space, providing insight into software and professional services providers. Their quarterly reports are based on customer reviews, categorized by industry, and curated to better provide prospective customers with the insights they need to make the right buying decisions for themselves and their enterprise. 

Once again, we’d like to thank you — our customers — for your detailed and positive feedback. We always have you in mind with all the moves we make — from keeping courses up-to-date to empowering leaders with customizable training plans to upskill their teams.

Content + User Experience + Support

Cloud Academy was recognized as Momentum Leader, High Performer, and Industry Leader in the following categories: Online Course Providers, Corporate Learning Management Systems, eLearning Content, and Technical Skills Development. The results of G2’s Summer 2021 Reports offer more insights into why customers love us: our experts are obsessed with creating the best content and the best platform to help both individuals and organizations empower themselves with the top cloud and tech skills.

Cloud Academy reviews on G2

These nominations include:

  • Leader for Enterprise
  • Momentum Leader
  • Best Support
  • Best Relationship for Both Enterprise and Individual User
  • Best Usability
  • Easiest Setup

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