LPIC-1 101 Linux certification - Boot and Package Management (3 of 5)


"Linux Installation and Package Management" is the third lesson in this Linux certification series. You'll learn how to control the Linux boot process, how to understand and manage disk partitions and filesystems, and how Linux uses kernel libraries to manage hardware peripherals. We'll also take a closer look at the two most widely used Linux software package management systems: dpkg and rpm.

The previous lesson in the series covered System Architecture. Next up will be GNU and Unix Commands.

If you have thoughts or suggestions for this lesson, please contact Cloud Academy at support@cloudacademy.com.

About the Author
Learning paths

David taught high school for twenty years, worked as a Linux system administrator for five years, and has been writing since he could hold a crayon between his fingers. His childhood bedroom wall has since been repainted.

Having worked directly with all kinds of technology, David derives great pleasure from completing projects that draw on as many tools from his toolkit as possible.

Besides being a Linux system administrator with a strong focus on virtualization and security tools, David writes technical documentation and user guides, and creates technology training videos.

His favorite technology tool is the one that should be just about ready for release tomorrow. Or Thursday.

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