Building NoSQL Databases With Azure Cosmos DB

1m 16s

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create Azure Cosmos DB databases and containers using the Azure Portal, command line, and SDK. You’ll also learn how to improve query performance by choosing the right partition key and creating a custom indexing policy, balancing latency, and consistency by choosing the right consistency level, configuring high availability and scalability, and using Cosmos DB’s change feed to process changes made to a container.

Learning Objectives

  • Create and interact with a Cosmos DB container using the Azure Portal
  • Choose a partition key
  • Use the Cosmos DB .NET SDK to create a container and interact with it
  • Describe consistency levels
  • Describe custom indexing policies
  • Use the CLI to configure a default consistency level, high availability, an indexing policy, and autoscaled throughput
  • Use the change feed to process changes made to a container

Intended Audience

  • Developers


  • Basics of Cosmos DB functionality, including:
    • Multi-model and global distribution capabilities
    • Containers
    • Request units
  • If you’re not familiar with these concepts, then take Overview of Azure Cosmos DB  
About the Author
Guy Hummel, opens in a new tab
Azure and Google Cloud Content Lead
Learning paths

Guy launched his first training website in 1995 and he's been helping people learn IT technologies ever since. He has been a sysadmin, instructor, sales engineer, IT manager, and entrepreneur. In his most recent venture, he founded and led a cloud-based training infrastructure company that provided virtual labs for some of the largest software vendors in the world. Guy’s passion is making complex technology easy to understand. His activities outside of work have included riding an elephant and skydiving (although not at the same time).

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