What is a Cloud Architect and is Being a Cloud Architect the Right Role For You?

5m 40s

In this introduction to the Cloud Architect role Andy Larkin walks through what the role does, what tasks are required in the role, and what skills and character traits help make you successful in this role.

The objective of this introduction is to help you determine whether this role is the right one for you - and if you feel it is, this introduction is first base on get started with learning the skills you need to become a Cloud Architect. 

Andy has been a Cloud Architect for 5+ years in leading roles and worked as AWS - the leading Cloud provider. As Andy says, "No one is born a Cloud Architect. All the skills required to be a Cloud Architect are learned and you can learn them starting now." Andy is here to help you get started on your journey to becoming a Cloud Architect.

If you have any questions or want some advice please reach out to us at support@cloudacademy.com 


About the Author
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Andrew is fanatical about helping business teams gain the maximum ROI possible from adopting, using, and optimizing Public Cloud Services. Having built  70+ Cloud Academy courses, Andrew has helped over 50,000 students master cloud computing by sharing the skills and experiences he gained during 20+  years leading digital teams in code and consulting. Before joining Cloud Academy, Andrew worked for AWS and for AWS technology partners Ooyala and Adobe.

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