Multiple Accounts with Amazon Macie

3m 57s

Amazon Macie was launched in the summer of 2017, much to the delight of cloud security engineers. Amazon Macie is a powerful security and compliance service that provides an automatic method to detect, identify, and classify data within your AWS account. Macie currently supports Amazon S3 storage, however additional support for other storage systems will be developed and added over time. Backed by machine learning, Macie can actively review your data as different actions are taken within your AWS account. Machine learning spots access patterns and analyzes user behaviour using CloudTrail event data to alert against any unusual or irregular activity. Any findings are presented within a dashboard which can trigger alerts allowing you to quickly resolve any potential threat of exposure or compromise to your data.

This course will dive into all elements of the service, discussing its many different features and customizable elements allowing you to gain the maximum potential of its ability.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Provide an understanding and awareness of what Amazon Macie is and what it’s used for
  • Provide an explanation of each configurable component of the service to allow you to gain maximum benefit from Macie’s capabilities
  • Understand how the service can provide a customizable approach to maintaining compliance
  • Understand how through automation and machine learning Amazon Mazie detects and categorizes S3 content to detect potential security threats and exposures

Intended Audience

The content of this course is centered around security and compliance. As a result, this course is beneficial to those who are in the roles or their equivalent of:

  • Cloud Security Architects
  • Compliance Managers
  • Cloud Administrators
  • Cloud Support & Operations


As a prerequisite of this course you should have an understanding and awareness of:

  • Amazon S3
  • AWS CloudTrail


About the Author
Learning paths

Stuart has been working within the IT industry for two decades covering a huge range of topic areas and technologies, from data center and network infrastructure design, to cloud architecture and implementation.

To date, Stuart has created 250+ courses relating to cloud computing reaching over 1 million+ students.

Stuart is a member of the AWS Community Builders Program for his contributions towards AWS.

He is AWS certified and accredited in addition to being a published author covering topics across the AWS landscape.

Stuart enjoys writing about cloud technologies and you will find many of his articles within our blog pages.

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