Getting Started With Serverless Computing - Introduction

1m 34s

In this group of lectures, we explore what serverless computing is and how "functions as a service" differs from traditional computing models.

Having an understanding of what Cloud Computing will help you gain the most from this lesson, so if you feel unclear on the fundamentals of cloud computing, I recommend completing our What is Cloud Computing Lesson first.

Following this lesson, you will have an understanding of what serverless computing is, how serverless computing differs from traditional computing and a high-level understanding of how code functions can be provisioned and used as a service.

Learning Objectives
Recognize and explain what serverless computing is
Recognize and explain the benefits of serverless computing
Recognize and explain the design approaches for microservices

About the Author
Learning paths

Andrew is fanatical about helping business teams gain the maximum ROI possible from adopting, using, and optimizing Public Cloud Services. Having built  70+ Cloud Academy courses, Andrew has helped over 50,000 students master cloud computing by sharing the skills and experiences he gained during 20+  years leading digital teams in code and consulting. Before joining Cloud Academy, Andrew worked for AWS and for AWS technology partners Ooyala and Adobe.

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