Running Highly Performant File Systems with Amazon FSx

1m 55s

Amazon FSx, a service that can help you run file-based workloads across multiple instances cost-effectively and with great scale. This lesson will cover both FSx for Windows file system and FSx for Lustre, the two choices you have when deploying an FSx workload.

Learning objectives

  • Understand when to use Amazon FSx for Windows file server
  • Understand When to use FSX for Lustre
  • Be able to describe the differences between the two
  • Learn why you would want to use FSx vs EFS

Intended Audience

This lesson has been designed for solutions architects or developers who want to understand how to create a shared file system within AWS. This lesson is also helpful if you are looking to understand the difference between Amazon FSx and Amazon EFS (Elastic File System)


You should have a good understanding of cloud computing and cloud architectures, specifically with Amazon Web Services.

About the Author
Will Meadows, opens in a new tab
Senior Content Developer

William Meadows is a passionately curious human currently living in the Bay Area in California. His career has included working with lasers, teaching teenagers how to code, and creating classes about cloud technology that are taught all over the world. His dedication to completing goals and helping others is what brings meaning to his life. In his free time, he enjoys reading Reddit, playing video games, and writing books.

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