Introducing Cloud Roster™ and Cloud Catalog™

The cloud industry continues to mature and organizations are seeking ways to facilitate adoption to remain relevant and competitive. Leadership responsible for this adoption is faced with the need to identify customized cloud strategies, respond to emerging solutions, and staff the roles needed to drive innovation. If companies cannot plan ahead, they risk losing out on key cloud transformation opportunities, market share, and revenue.

We talk a lot about the cloud skills gap with our customers, and the fact that there’s a need for technical talent is well documented (here, here, and here for example). We wanted to dive a layer deeper and use data to qualify and quantify the nature of the technical skills gap in a way that’s meaningful and objective. With the help of some basic data science, we leveraged publicly available job postings. For each of the last 13 weeks and counting, we’ve analyzed 3,000 unique job posts per day for cloud job roles based in the United States.

The result of that work are today’s announcements:

  • Cloud Roster is a job roles matrix that defines the core roles necessary for organizations to establish and maintain a competitive edge in technical innovation. Using Cloud Roster, you can understand the top technology skills in demand for each job role, as well as the demand for each role itself. The resource leverages interviews with industry experts to document the key traits, responsibilities, non-technical skills, and related industry certifications for each position.
  • Cloud Catalog is a global technology index that allows you to visualize the relative popularity of  technologies, frameworks, and vendor platforms. Cloud Catalog offers a stack ranking of technologies by relative popularity and geography as measured by unmet skill demand.
Cloud Catalog Compare relative skill demand for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform over time with Cloud Catalog™
Compare relative skill demand for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform over time with Cloud Catalog™


Cloud Roster job role profile for Data Engineers
Cloud Roster job role profile for Data Engineers

The launch of the job-role specific resources complements our platform capabilities quite nicely. If you’ve been following us over the past twelve months, we’ve been laser-focused on learning accountability, data-driven skills measurement, and role-specific customization of our fast-growing training library. The data you see here is publicly available. Both Cloud Roster and Cloud Catalog will be updated weekly.

We hope you find these resources as useful as we have already. If you have any feedback, please get in touch.

Cloud Academy