New on Cloud Academy: 10 Cybersecurity Labs, Amazon Kinesis, Six Programming Labs, and More

By now, you probably know that Cloud Academy is constantly publishing new training content every month with Learning Paths, Courses, Quizzes, Exams, and Hands-on Labs. We notify our subscribers in real time when there are relevant additions and updates to the training library, and you can keep track of what’s coming next with our roadmap. At any time, you can go find all of our brand new releases by going to our Training Library and finding the section titled “New this month in our library.”

Cybersecurity Labs in New Content

Promising and delivering organizational and technical change is difficult — especially at large enterprise organizations. That’s why we have a team of experts that continue to work energetically to launch brand new training assets and platform features to make that difficult work a bit easier for you and your team. In June, Cloud Academy made huge advances in our Training Library. Let’s take a closer look.

Drumroll please…

We still don’t know how they did it, but our Content Team released 10 brand new Cybersecurity Hands-on Labs this month! Not only that, but our expert trainers also created new Learning Paths, Courses, and lots of other Hands-on Labs.

Cybersecurity Labs NEW LAB SERIES

These Cybersecurity Labs cover several security topics from a cloud-agnostic perspective. These labs were designed for the CREST Practitioner Security Analyst (CPSA) certification examination, but they are very valuable to security practitioners in general.

Get started with one of our brand new Cybersecurity Labs, including:

  1. Network Mapping and Target Identification
  2. Interpreting Security Tool Output
  3. Security Audit Techniques
  4. Detecting Windows Vulnerabilities
  5. Cracking Passwords in Linux
  6. Exploiting Vulnerable Network File System (NFS) Shares
  7. Exploiting Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Services
  8. Execute a Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack
  9. Execute a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack
  10. Perform a SQL Injection (SQLi) Attack

New Learning Paths

Getting Started With Amazon Kinesis

Learn the components and use cases of the Amazon Kinesis video and data streaming service, then get started using Amazon Kinesis to create solutions and solve business problems. You’ll wrap up this learning path with a Hands-on Lab where you’ll configure Kinesis Firehose for a highly available Serverless application. Before getting your hands dirty, this Learning Path will take you through the following courses:

  • Introduction to Amazon Kinesis
  • Working With Amazon Kinesis
  • Working With Amazon Kinesis Analytics

Advanced Java Programming Learning Path

The Advanced Java Programming Learning Path is your one-stop guide to mastering recent Java platform updates. It contains detailed explanations of the latest programming advancements and language features introduced from Java 9 onwards. In addition to learning Java through practice in six Hands-on Labs, you will dive deep with the following courses:

  • Object-Oriented Development Using Java
  • Advanced Java Programming
  • Working with Java Collections
  • Java Stream API
  • Java Module System
  • Accessing Resources with Java

New Courses

Running Spark on Azure Databricks Course

This is an analytics and machine learning course which replaces Azure Machine Learning Workbench (retired by Microsoft). It has been added to the Introduction to Azure Machine Learning Learning Path.

Developing Long-Running Tasks on Azure

This will show practical applications of key Azure features to meet the programming and configuration challenges introduced by long-running tasks.

More New Hands-on Labs

You thought we’d settle for “just” ten new Labs in our Cybersecurity Lab series this month? Think again. We released an additional seven brand new Labs you should know about in programming and machine learning.


Machine Learning

Notable Content Updates

Fundamentals of AWS

The velocity and variety of innovation at AWS is truly amazing. Even our Fundamentals of AWS course needs to be updated regularly. The following content has been added:

  • AWS Global Infrastructure: Availability Zones, Regions, Edge Locations, Regional Edge Caches
  • AWS Shared Responsibility Model
  • Working with AWS Networking and Amazon VPC
  • AWS: Overview of Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Platform Updates

If the speed of innovation at a large company like AWS is impressive, the per employee rate of innovation at Cloud Academy really blows our hair back. Here are a couple June highlights from our Product Development team.

Exam Explanations Exam explanations

Cloud Academy Exams are a wildly popular mechanism to measure your knowledge. But Exams are also a popular mechanism to learn and retain knowledge. Now, immediately after each exam, you’ll see a list of your correct and incorrect answers with detailed explanations for each question. Not only that, but you’ll also see a link to the official vendor documentation to further deepen your knowledge on the topic.

Exam Explanations empower you to:

  • See what was right and wrong
  • Understand a given topic more easily
  • Improve your learning experience

Enterprise Integrations and API Control Center

Settings and integrations

Enterprise users can use our new API Control Center to connect directly to the Cloud Academy platform. This will simplify sign on, enhance training, and improve security. Go to Dashboard > Settings & Integrations. You can find the new Integrations and API tabs at the top.
Here are some reasons that you’ll want to use the new feature:

  • Improve security
  • Self-generate secure API keys
  • Overcome barriers with sign-on issues or password resets
  • Help your team complete more training
  • Enhance user experience by connecting directly to Cloud Academy services

Stay Updated

As always, we use Cloud Academy Blog to keep you up-to-date on the latest technology and best practices. All of our new blogs, reports, and updates go directly to our Cloud Academy social media accounts. For the latest updates, follow and like us on the following social media platforms:

Not a Customer?

If you are not yet a Cloud Academy customer, see what you can customize for your team by browsing our Training Library. We offer independent, expert-led Learning Paths that deliver the theory, technical knowledge, and hands-on practice to get certified and operate across the cloud ecosystem.

To learn more about deploying Cloud Academy at your organization, request a demo or check out pricing for small teams.

Cloud Academy