Introducing Our Latest Platform Improvements

Here at Cloud Academy, we’re customer- and product-obsessed. It’s our mission to understand what our users want and need so we can help to empower their learning goals. We listen to feedback from all of our users, and combined with data from throughout our platform, we continually deploy updates that will help you have a better experience.

So what did we release this time? Let’s check it out…

Platform Speed Improvements

First of all, we’re excited to announce the release of what we internally called our Need for speed project!

We’ve improved loading times for the most popular pages on our platform. This all started because we felt that we could improve load times on some pages. It may not be flashy, but it’s at the core of the user experience and was something we really wanted to improve.

As always, we set some unbelievably high expectations. Every time we were asked, “How much do you want to improve the loading time…” our answer was, “by one hundred percent.” We were really impressed that our dev team was happy to accept the challenge.

Here some amazing results:

  1. Mobile App: Both the Android and iOS apps are now blazingly fast (and by that we mean 0 milliseconds of loading time) for the most common use cases, i.e. Training Plan loading, Continue Studying content loading, Search, and our library.
  2. Learning Paths: Pages load in less than 500ms.
  3. Labs: If you go back to the last lab you visited, the subsequent loads take 0 ms. Advancing to the next step in a lab is now immediate.
  4. Courses: Just like with our labs, the loading of the next lecture is now immediate.

Management Dashboard Improvements

Customer Success Manager contact box

We have a fantastic Customer Success team involved in helping our customers thrive within our enterprise products. Now you can reach our Customer Success team directly from our platform to help you address any challenges in your company’s training program.

Reaching the Customer Success Manager (CSM) of your account is as simple as clicking on the dedicated box and sending a message.

Customer Success Box

Enterprise Report sent via email

Cloud Academy reports are an easy way for exporting activities and performance of your company for in-depth analysis. Team managers now can have these reports be delivered directly to your email inbox.

The feature is automated: every time you request the generation of a new report, it is sent automatically to you as soon as it’s ready.

Enterprise Report sent via email

Teams Navigation

When you’re in the Cloud Academy management dashboard, you get everything you need for insight into your teams. The dashboard enables you to organize your company members in dedicated groups and follow them individually along their training journey.

With our new improvement, we streamlined the UI to let you navigate faster between the Team and Members page. Here’s how to get a glimpse of the functionality:

1 – From the Members page, you can jump directly to a user’s team detail just clicking on the “Team” tag.

Teams Navigation

2 – On the Teams page, you get an immediate overview of what users are team managers. This has an added bonus of easily highlighting which teams haven’t yet been assigned a manager.

New “Move to Team” action

Within dynamic organizations, it’s common to create temporary teams or rearrange them periodically. To support this, we added another action called “Move to Team”.

This new action complements the current “Add to Team” action. While the “add” action helps you to allocate a single member to multiple teams, the new “move” action forces a user to be part of only one team.

You can find the new action on both the Teams and Members area, and you can trigger it on multiple users at once.

“Move to Team” Action
Cloud Academy