Cloud Academy on AWS Podcast #100

Let me give you a bit of a break from the deep cloud articles you’ve recently been enjoying on our blog, to tell you something a bit more Cloud Academy-related. A couple of weeks ago, I was honored to be interviewed by Jeff Barr, Chief Evangelist of Amazon Web Services. Jeff invited me to record podcast number #100 of AWS Podcast at the beautiful AWS Loft in San Francisco, to learn more about AWS and make contact with many of AWS’s on-site Solutions Architects.

AWS Loft San Francisco
AWS Loft San Francisco

AWS opened the Loft more than a year ago and is now using it for more and more events every month. It’s definitely a must-see if you’re in San Francisco and want to know more about Cloud Computing and AWS.

We chatted about Cloud Academy, how we came up with the idea, and how Cloud Academy helps companies and individuals to learn new cloud skills and keep their existing cross-platform skills up to date. I described our vision for Cloud Academy and how we think cloud computing skills can change the way professionals and companies build software and online products. We talked about our Cloud Academy enterprise solution for businesses that love online learning and use it to prepare for certifications or to train their members.

I also used this occasion to talk about my experience of moving from Italy to the US. The last 6 months have been an amazing period for our company, we just “graduated” from Batch 11 of 500Startups and we are now aggressively expanding our team and operations.

I’m always happy to get your feedback and talk to our members. Reach me at @stefanobellasio or stefano AT

Cloud Academy