New on Cloud Academy, September ’17. Big Data, Security, and Containers

Explore the newest Learning Paths, Courses, and Hands-on Labs on Cloud Academy in September.

Learning Paths and Courses

Certified Big Data Specialty on AWS
Big Data Specialty Certification Preparation for AWS
Solving problems and identifying opportunities starts with data. The ability to collect, store, retrieve, and analyze data meaningfully is essential for every business. This learning path is a great way to prepare for this specialty certification or to level up your team’s big data skills on AWS. The six domains of the exam—collection, storage, processing, analysis, visualization, and data security—are covered through a combination of Video courses, Hands-on Labs, and skill assessments.

AWS Access & Key Management Security
AWS Access & Key Management Security
Resource access and data encryption are two of the most important topics in cloud security. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) manages identities and their permissions for accessing resources and it is one of the first security services that you will encounter in your cloud environment. AWS Key Management Service (KMS) allows you to easily manage your encryption keys, and is useful both for IT teams who need to keep data secure and auditors and compliance specialists who need to monitor governance. You’ll also learn about AWS security controls for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting; best practices for security for containers; encrypting S3 and EBS data; and about Amazon’s original encryption key solution, AWS CloudHSM.

Google Cloud Platform for System Administrators
GCP for System Admins
System Administrators maintaining a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) infrastructure will be able to get up to speed on platform essentials in this learning path. GCP excels in providing elastic, fully managed services and offers lots of options for building out highly available and scalable web applications and mobile back-ends. In addition to the fundamental concepts, you will also learn about GCP compute, networking, authorization, storage, and other key services, and we’ll show you how to perform essential maintenance tasks.

Introduction to Azure Container Service
Introduction to Azure Container Service
Developers, operations engineers, and DevOps teams will want to know more about how to manage containers at scale in enterprise and production scenarios. Azure Container Service (ACS) provides infrastructure services for Docker Swarm, Mesosphere’s DC/OS, and Kubernetes. You’ll learn how to create and manage VM hosts as clusters for container orchestration, how to deploy, scale, and orchestrate containers through ACS using the main orchestration systems, and more.

Introduction to Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine
Introduction to GCP Machine Learning Engine
If you’ve ever searched for an image on the web or used Google Translate to understand a phrase in another language, you’ve used Google’s machine learning. Google’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine gives users the power to train their own neural networks. With this course, we’ll give you the skills you need to train and deploy machine learning models with the Google ML engine (and you won’t need prior experience in machine learning or knowledge of TensorFlow to get started).

Hands-on Labs

Getting Started with Amazon Simple Notification Service
Getting Started with Amazon SNS
Amazon’s Simple Notification Services is often used to push messages directly to other AWS services such as AWS Lambda or Simple Queue Service. SNS uses a publish-subscribe model to deliver messages via HTTP/S, SMS, and email to multiple recipients all at once. Integrated with AWS CloudTrail, SNS actions are captured, logged, and delivered to an S3 bucket. This lab is a hands-on introduction to SNS. Working in a live environment, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an SNS, subscribing to a topic, publishing a message and everything in between. Then, we’ll use Amazon Athena to query data from AWS CloudTrail logs.

Getting started with Docker on Linux for AWS
Getting Started with Docker on Linux for AWS
Containers offer many of the benefits of virtual machines but in a much more efficient, less resource-intensive system. Containers allow you to package up an application in an isolated environment that can be executed across machines in a reproducible manner. In this hands-on lab, you will get up and running with Docker on Linux using an AWS virtual machine. You will work with images from the public Docker registry, run a handful of containers, and create your own image from which to create containers.

Query encrypted Amazon S3 Data with Amazon Athena
Query encrypted Amazon S3 data with Amazon Athena
In this lab, you will use Amazon’s Athena, Structured Query Language (SQL), and Simple Storage Service (S3) to create an end-to-end data security model where data, communications, and query results are encrypted. Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that allows you to issue standard Structured Query Language (SQL) commands to analyze data on S3. Working directly in the AWS platform, you will learn how to encrypt query results and data on S3, how to perform basic queries in Athena, and more.

Using PowerShell DSC on Windows
Using PowerShell DSC on Windows
Microsoft created PowerShell to help administrators automate admin tasks and configure systems. Built into PowerShell, Desired State Configuration (DSC) simplifies the configuration of servers for administrators. In this lab, you’ll work in a live Microsoft Azure environment to learn how to use PowerShell DSC. You will configure two Windows servers: a pull server hosting configuration files, and a node that pulls its configuration from the pull server.

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